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Four million euros worth of gold sold via Paysera

Last year, Paysera introduced the possibility to buy, send, and sell back real physical investment gold via the Paysera app to all its users. Since then – 4 million euros worth of gold was purchased via the app, making it not only a great means to store fiat money but also an authentic and timeless gift. 

How much is 4 million euros worth of gold?

4 million euros worth of real physical investment gold is something like 77 kilograms. To put it into perspective – this is roughly how much an average adult male weighs. 

In XAU (gold ounces), 4 million euros is almost 2500 XAU (1 XAU = around 1,600 EUR).


What is the most common purchase?  

In the Paysera app, people can buy gold either in ounces for as little as 1 EUR or gold in bars and coins. 

The most popular purchase to this day is a 1 gram gold bar costing slightly more than 60 EUR. 

Bars, just like coins, can be physically picked up from Paysera or safely kept in the secure Paysera storage, which is the most common decision among buyers.

How to buy gold via Paysera? 

Buying gold via Paysera is easy. You need to have a Paysera account and log in to it via the Paysera app

Head to More (bottom right of the main screen), then – Precious metals and choose to buy gold by weight or in coins or bars. 

You can sell it back to Paysera any time you want or send it as a gift to other Paysera users.

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